Sunday, April 27, 2014

Favorite Brand: FCUK

Being a flea market junkie, I try to ignore brands and only concentrate on material components and pattern. Of course, if I had the choice between two identical shirts, I'd choose COS over H&M for example. However, there are still a couple of brands I can't take my eyes off, where I constantly seek for items and go "Awww" when I find something beautiful (mostly without buying because your wallet won't allow it, indirectly). French Connection sure is at the top of the list. I've not only been looking online, but also trying on their clothes, especially dresses, in actual shops and it's just... breathtaking. Most of the time, I felt like the brand was tailored exactly for me, fitting perfectly and making one feel special, somehow. 

Spending 70-120€ on a dress feels weird (I mean, you can easily get ten pretty second hand dresses with that amount of money...), so I'm way too parsimonious for this brand anyhow, but one can't stop falling in love with it, in spite of everything.

 1 // 2 // 3

 4 // 5

6 // 7

Monday, April 21, 2014

Klitzekleine Pause - auf Reisen!

Hallo Ihr Lieben!

Vielleicht habt Ihr es schon bemerkt, dass ich in letzter Zeit (leider) nicht mehr zurückkommentiert habe. Es liegt allerdings keinesfalls an Vergessenheit und jedes Kommentar wird auch noch beantwortet, allerdings befinde ich mich momentan in Süd-Ost Asien auf Reisen und bin daher nur selten vor dem Rechner. Hätte ich 'nen Androidhandy, wäre Instagram schon längst eröffnet worden für tolle Schnappschüsse, leider nur ist es nicht der Fall, denn für Nokia gibt es keine richtige App dafür. Hoffentlich ändert sich dies bald, wenn ich mich endlich überwinden kann, um mehrere hundert Euros für ein neues Handy auszugeben.

Bis Mitte Mai hat sich also die liebe Tram sich bereit erklärt, einige meiner vorbereiteten Posts im etwa wöchentlichen Abstand zu veröffentlichen, damit doch noch etwas Leben auf dem Blog ist. Danke Dir dafür! :)

Auf bald also! <3


Hey lovelies!

Maybe you've been wondering why I haven't been replying to comments lately. It's not because I forgot you, not at all, but I've been on a trip in South-East Asia and therefore rarely online. Each and every comment will be replied as soon as I'm back, I promise! Moreover, if I possessed an Android phone, an Instagram-account would have been established already for beautiful snapshots. Unfortunately, that's not the case...I just have a Nokia phone and can't persuade myself to go for a brand new phone, spending hundreds of euros just for one tiny object.

Until mid-May, charming Tram will be publishing some of my already prepared posts, so that there is still life on the blog. Thank you so much! :)

See you! <3

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Outfit Review March 2014

March brought a lot of surprises with itself, I found myself combining things I've never tried out before. From new shapes like like large trousers to new colors, such as green, mint or camel... It's such fun! I used to be someone who only liked to wear black, a couple of years ago, could you imagine that? I've changed and started considering new color palettes, but my favorite one remains black-white-red-nude. I also was crazy about purple for a really long while, but have sorted almost all those pieces out of the closet, like half a year ago. Over a short period of time, taste can change quite quickly while you're discovering yourself, finding out what's best and most suitable for you. I personally rather enjoy these changes - especially when you look at pictures a couple of years back and ask yourself "How could this be me?" :D

Enough talk, let's get to the small flashback! :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sweet rose

Dress - Monki
Blazer - Promod
Shoes - Vagabond

Manchmal braucht man nur etwas rosé und cremeweiß sowie braune Akzente, um eine sanfte und süße Kombination zu kreieren. Mit diesem luftigen Kleid fühlt man sich so leicht, während der Blazer die Körpertemperatur auf ein angenehmes Niveau behält. Als ich die Teile aus dem Schrank zog und vor mir sah, verliebte ich mich in das Outfit und frage mich nun, wieso ich sie bisher noch nie so kombiniert hatte. Ich brauche mehr von diesen positiven Überraschungen! :)


Sometimes, all it takes it a little rose and cream, as well as brown accents to create a soft and sweet combination. The airy dress makes one feel to light, whilst the blazer manages to keep the body temperature at a bearable level. As I pulled the pieces out of the closet, I fell in love myself with the outfit and can't stop wondering how I've never combined them like this before. I need more pretty surprises like this one! :)